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ICE 2019 Recap

ICE stayed true to its name with chilly Chicago temperatures, but an outstanding turnout of the leading technology educators and administrators in Illinois.

Our CEO, Travis Allen, kicked off the conference with a powerful keynote diving into the question “Why do we go to school?” and casting a vision for what education can look like if the answer to that question was to solve problems.

We then launched our Escape the Conference experience over the next 2 days, connecting attendees with each other in teams of 6 to race the clock in using our partner vendors’ technology to solve problems and increase student engagement at an imaginary school they are tasked with improving through the experience.

We had so much fun engaging with conference participants who came alive around the version of gamified education that we created for the experience, and we’re looking forward to returning next year!


To partner with iSchool for your upcoming conference:


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